Saturday, March 10, 2007

Exercises to enjoy
Activities such as brisk walking, swimming, and gentle toning and stretching classes are ideal during pregnancy.
Cycling is good exercise, too. As you get bigger, you'll find you have to get used to the changes in the distribution of your weight, and you may need to adjust your saddle and handle bars. In late pregnancy, it's safer to use an exercise bike, in case you fall.
If you were already attending an exercise class before your pregnancy, tell your instructor that you're pregnant. They'll be able to advise you on any parts of the class that are now unsuitable.
Water baby
Exercising in water is safe and enjoyable during pregnancy - and it's great for late pregnancy backache. The water supports your whole body, and you can be as energetic or relaxed as you want. Many public and private pools offer antenatal classes, often run by trained midwives or physiotherapists. Most classes begin with a sequence of gentle warm-up exercises, followed by stretches and a swim. Swimming several lengths gives you a good, safe workout.


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