Is caffeine harmful?
There's some research to show that high intakes of caffeine may be linked to miscarriage. The Food Standards Agency suggests pregnant women limit their intake of coffee to no more than four cups a day. Remember cola drinks also contain caffeine. Switch to non-caffeine alternatives where possible.
Drinking, smoking and other perils
The occasional glass of alcohol isn't considered harmful for your baby. Continuous, heavy drinking, however, can cause permanent brain and developmental damage in the foetus.
If you smoke, get help to give up. Smoking raises the carbon monoxide levels in your blood and reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your baby, affecting his growth and making him vulnerable to infection. It also puts him at higher risk of stillbirth or being born early. After the birth there's an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS or cot death). Your partner should stop smoking too, and you should avoid smoky atmospheres.
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