Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Eggs, beans, pulses and lentils are also part of a healthy diet, but you don't have to eat these every day.
Research indicates that mothers who eat fish once a week are less likely to give birth prematurely. Oily fish eaten in pregnancy also helps with children's eyesight. However, when you’re pregnant have no more than two portions of oily fish a week. Oily fish includes fresh tuna (not canned tuna, which does not count as oily fish), mackerel, sardines and trout.
Avoid eating shark, swordfish and marlin and limit the amount of tuna to no more than two tuna steaks a week (weighing about 140g cooked or 170g raw) or four medium-size cans of tuna a week (with a drained weight of about 140g per can). This is because of the levels of mercury in these fish. At high levels, mercury can harm a baby's developing nervous system.
Keep up fluid levels, with regular glasses of water or diluted fruit or vegetable juices through the day. This will help keep you well-hydrated, which can prevent tiredness and headaches, and helps bladder and kidney health by ensuring regular visits to the loo.
Can I follow a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy?
If you eat a well balanced diet, all of the nutrients you need for good health during your pregnancy are available in foods other than meat. If, however, your diet isn't well balance you may need extra vitamins. For example, B12, that can be found in some manufactured goods, such as soya products, or in supplements. A vitamin D supplement may also be required. Make sure you get enough iron in your diet as well. We've included a list of iron-rich foods, below.


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