Saturday, July 01, 2006

Why do you want to lose weight?
Think hard about why you really want to lose weight. It may help to look at it in terms of what your weight is stopping you from doing, for example. Make sure you think of benefits other than the changes to your appearance, such as feeling healthier and having the energy to do more with the family.

Are you ready to lose weight?

Answer true or false to the following statements:

I've thought carefully about why I want to lose weight.
I want to lose weight for myself, not other people.
I'm prepared to put time and effort into changing my diet and activity each week.
I appreciate I need to make changes to my attitude and lifestyle to ensure long-term success.

For every 'false', have a rethink. It's a sign that you may not be ready to lose weight in a way that will lead to long-term success.


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