What is body image?
'Body image' is the picture you have in your mind of your size, shape and general appearance - and how you think and feel about it. It can be positive or negative.
Unfortunately, it's all to easy to measure this picture against the slim and beautiful 'ideal images' in the media and magazines - and if you don't measure up (let's face it, who does?!), you may feel very negative or dissatisfied.
Body image and self-esteem
Having a negative body image can get to the very core of your self-esteem (how you like and regard yourself), which can mean if you don't like your body, you don't like yourself. And if you don't like yourself, you may feel you're not capable of making lifestyle changes to control your weight or you're simply not worth making the effort for.
Even if you start a weight-loss programme, a lack of self-esteem can still come into play. If you've started your weight-loss plan and slip-up, for example, negative self-talk may come pouring out - "I've blown it as always, I might as well give up" - and throw you off course.
Improving your body image
Your body image relies on how you think and feel about your body. If you think and feel that it's awful (negative self-talk again), you're bound to feel negative about it.
If you asked a friend how they view your body, their answer would probably be very different from yours. And, while not always easy, it is possible to change how you view yourself, too. Try some of the exercises below.
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