Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why exercise?
Exercise makes your body stronger, fitter and more flexible. It protects your heart and bones, keeps your weight at an ideal level, helps reduce stress and makes you feel good. It also reduces the risk of a range of illnesses including diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Ways to stay fit

Experts recommend that everybody exercises for at least 30 minutes, five days of the week. You'll know you're doing enough when you feel yourself breathing a little bit harder and faster, and your pulse will be faster than usual.
It doesn't have to be the gym either. Walking, cycling, swimming and running are all simple, accessible and convenient ways to get a daily dose of exercise.
It doesn't matter what you do or where you do it - activity on a regular basis is what's important. Pick something you enjoy: if it feels like a chore then you're not going to do it.

Safe routine
Always warm up by doing five to ten minutes of light aerobic exercise, such as running on the spot
Once the muscles are warmed up, stretch for about five minutes
Perform your chosen exercise
Cool down by doing light aerobic exercise again for five to ten minutes and performing a few stretches
Drink water to replace any lost during your workout


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