Saturday, September 16, 2006

Types of dance
There are many forms of dance, from ballroom to barn and from disco to morris. Among the most popular in terms of participation are the folk-type dances, including line and square dancing.
These are so popular because they are often made up of repetitive, easy-to-learn steps. In many societies, folk dances are an integral part of community life and are linked to specific occasions such as holidays, festivals and religious celebrations. However, while most once had ritual purposes, today they mostly provide recreation, self-expression and competition.


Dancing is largely an aerobic activity that improves the condition of the heart and lungs, as well as tests your balance. To dance for any length of time also requires muscular endurance and motor fitness.
For 10st 7lb person, ballroom dancing uses about 3.5 calories per minute. So, 45 minutes would use around 157 calories - or about half a chocolate bar.


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