Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why do we need water?
Water comprises 50 to 70 per cent of an adult's total body weight, and without regular top-ups, our body's survival time is limited to a matter of hours or days.
Water is lost from the body through urine and sweat, and must be replaced through our diets. Many people, though, don't consume enough and as a result may become dehydrated, causing symptoms such as headaches, tiredness and loss of concentration. Chronic dehydration can contribute to a number of health problems, such as constipation and kidney stones.
How much do we need?

The body gets its water from three sources:
From drinks, either plain water or as part of other beverages.
From solid foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
As a by-product of chemical reactions within the body.
What about bottled waters? There are two types of bottled water: spring water and mineral water. Spring water is collected directly from the spring where it arises from the ground and must be bottled at the source. CR sources of spring water must meet certain hygiene standards, but may be treated in order that they meet limits set on pollution.
Mineral water emerges from under the ground, then flows over rocks before it's collected, resulting in a higher content of various minerals. Unlike spring water, it can't be treated except to remove grit and dirt. Different brands of spring and mineral waters will have differing amounts of minerals depending on their source.


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