Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Touching is an important part of any sensual relationship, but is all too often forgotten.
Before you start, it's important that you both agree this isn't a prelude to sex and genital touching is out of bounds. You may find you become aroused during the exercise, but this isn't the aim. Take it in turns to be the touched and the toucher.
You just need to lend your partner your body for 30 minutes: 15 minutes lying on your front, then 15 on your back. You don't need to say anything unless something's uncomfortable.
Explore your partner's body from head to toe, first the back then the front. Avoid the genital area.
Focus totally on your sensations of touch. Think about the different textures and temperatures of your partner's body. Think about how it feels to use hard and soft, long and short strokes. Use your fingertips, palms and the back of your hands. Remember - this isn't a massage. The point is to focus on the pleasure of touching your partner, not giving pleasure. You can do that another day.


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